
I hope you find this blog to be a place where you can find encouragement and hope in Christ in the midst of everyday life.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

What a day I have been waiting for!! My blog is finally up and running! To those of you who know me, you know this is big. This is a big step that I've been needing to take on my path to writing something that will actually be published! To those who don't know me, let me introduce myself.  My name is Cheryl.  I am a wife of 18 years, a mother, a teacher, and a follower of Christ who is doing my best to be obedient to what He has called me to do.  That, I believe, is speaking and writing to glorify God and encourage others, and that is the intention of this blog.

I wish I could tell you that I have it all together and could wrap up life in three easy application steps and go on our way. That is NOT the case!!! I have a 6 year old and a preteen. Enough said, right? There are many days that I would be mortified for you to see the state of my household, both physically and emotionally. I wish I could say the people in my household never get angry or yell or have bad days. Those things happen because we are not perfect people who live in a fallen world. The time we spend here togeher at this blog is a time to help us overcome that.  A place to find hope and encouragement in God's word, to know that we are not alone in our struggle, and maybe a place to laugh at it all and put it behind us.

I am not going to promise to post everyday. You read that part about being a wife, mom, and teacher, right? Then add all the other activities that demand my time and some days it can't all be done.  I do promise to share things that have made me laugh and cry, and most importantly, what God has taught me along the way.

Stay tuned!!! I am looking forward to this adventure!!!!

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